Tuesday, May 4, 2010

General Money @ UVM for Benefit

The scene is the beautiful college campus of the University of Vermont. In a field of grass surrounded by new brick dorms, UVM was hosting a Relay for Life walk on April 24, 2010. This was a full day of music, socializing, and learning about cancer and those who live and have lived with it. Zack's Entertainment knew that General Money is all about charity and helping people, so he had him put on the musical bill. With 850 preregistered people, this event was expected to be huge. On the day on the event, over one thousand people showed up to give their support to the cause.

Everyone there was helping out. There were tents set up around the perimeter of the track with sororities and fraternities selling food and had carnival games to raise extra money. In the middle of the field there was the stage. There were a few musical acts of different genres, but the one that stood out the most was the General himself.

The stage opened up for General Money at about 10pm, four hours into the event. Once he hit the stage the show started and everyone was feeling the positive energy. “Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and General Money rocked the house!” said Zack from Zack Entertainment, “General Money got people singing with him and the mascot had a lot of fun!”

This comes as no surprise for anyone that has seen General Money perform. He is always getting out to his audience and pushing himself to get on everyone’s level an then bring them to his. While he was on stage, he would jump off to the track and walk with all the people, walking and rapping with them. There was even one new fan who he met walking on the track that was really digging his music. He shared the mic with her during “Get That Gwop” and she loved it.

General Money also had a tent set up for the benefit. The Crank Record team was handing out General’s Blast to give a little extra boost for the walkers and participants, some autographed albums, and a ton of stickers that almost everyone was wearing! Before and after his performance, General Money was hanging out with everyone there, busy making friends and networking. That’s just The General for you, always putting in all of his energy to whatever he is doing. “General Money had a lot of energy,” said Sarah of the UVM Relay for Life group, “His voice was giving out, but he still gave 110%”.

Overall, it was a fantastic experience for General Money. The event itself lasted twelve hours and raised over 73 thousand dollars! It was a huge success and The General couldn't be happier than to help make a difference to better people’s lives, and in this case their futures. Be sure to check out http://relayforlife.org and don’t miss the next time General Money goes on for a live performance! You will love it!

GENERAL MONEY - http://crankrecords.net

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