This is the email lead singer Soda sent out to all HMR family, friends and fans.
This past Wednesday I got the sad news that my friend and former bandmate Izzy had finally lost his long battle with brain cancer. Although this wasn't a shock the news was still very sad...Izzy was with me when I first started HMR back in 2003 and he played our very first show with me. We connected right away, he was a great guitar player and a very fast learner...and it's very sad that another very talented young man who was involved with HMR has been taken long before his time.
At Izzy's service this past Friday I had asked his family if I could honor him on our sites and send out an email in tribute to his memory and they were happy to know that I wanted to do this...and I know that some of you have been on this list since day one and were probably at that very first HMR show. And as always, this band has shared every intimate detail with everyone who has ever cared...
Izzy was one of the most harmless people I had ever met in my life. He loved music and toys and always seemed to be in a good mood. I had last seen him in March/April and if you didn't know that he was terminally'd have thought that he was a happy, healthy, well adjusted guy. my friend Izzy. I will miss you, and my heart goes out to your family and all of your friends.
Izzy will be honored on all of our websites as well. So stop by and send him some love long distance.

RIP Izzy. You will be greatly missed.
Stop by these sites to send regards like Soda said, or leave a comment here.