- 6/7 Black and White Event
- 7/18 Nassau Colliseum Warped Tour
- 6/13 Anna Yvette Cd Release Party @ 105 Riv
- 5/2 Zebra Lounge (public view)
- Guests in the Studio! (updated 6/19)
- 4/15 Crazy Donkey
- 4/2 Crazy Donkey
- 3/13 @ Crazy Donkey
- 3/1 @ Ollie's Point
- 1/25 @ Nutty Irishman DAN WELLS
- 1/14 @ Vibe Lounge
- 1/3 @ Beery's
- 1/2 @ Beery's
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Lost Shows
My bad guys. I've not been delivering all that I've said I would. However, as my time at school comes to a close, I don't not see my show closing. I do not have any less passion for radio or for the music we support on my show. If they keep doing it I will. This week closes my second to last semester of college and I've been a little of a wreck. I have all the shows listed right here for download that I've missed. Also expect blogs about Diamonds Under Fire, Eva Natal, and constant updates about all the music I play on the show.
Here's to more great music!! Click links to stream/download full shows and interviews!
Show 30:
Show 31:
Show 32: (Night of the Living Heads Interview!)
Show 33:
Show 34: (Greg Hines [CEO/President of Hard Kandy Records] Interview!)
Friday, October 9, 2009
Show 28
This is Hell - The Search
The Sleeping - Don't Hold Back
The Foxes - Bill HicksHoly Ghost Circut
The Holy Ghost Circut - Daughters of Danang
Monk - Birds in Clouds
Everybody Else - Make Up
The Clarity - All Dressed Up
The Separation - Blue Light
Crash Boom Bang - Devil In Disguise
Stray From the Path - Negative and Violent
Piercing Silence - Divinity
Finespun - Against the Fallout
Malevolent - The inner Unraveling of an Ocean
Ten Strong - All The Waiting
Bid D and the Kids Table - Hell On Earth
Mock Orange - Payroll
Lion of Ido - Of What We're Made
Kills and Thrills - Transylvania Twist
Friday, September 4, 2009
Episode 27

We had an awesome mix of music today, as you'll see on the playlist. Also news about the benefit concert will be released in the next week, so keep your eyes peeled! Download/stream the show, and add the MOMENT OF ZEN to your ipods!!
Stream/Download <-------HERE
A Day To Remember - I'm Made of Wax, Larry, What are you Made of?
Sister Sin - On Parole
Paging Grace - Long Haul
Michael Fights The Dragon - Bam Bam Camn
Just Surrender - Crazy
Sparks the Rescue - Autumn
MAE - In Pieces
Linda Courtien - Love Is
Q - Change
Heal These Wounds - At The Wayside (MOZ) <------- Click HERE
Hour Past - Sinister
The Mercurial - Sloth vs Platypus
The Arrival - Locked and Loaded
ZO2 - Insolate
Dizzy Balloon - Crazy Jane
Cloud 9 - Longer Days
Bulletproof Messenger - Grand Disaster
Alaska and Me - Last of the Breed
Tune in next week for all new music, give aways, and interviews!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Show 26

Stream/Download <----------HERE
Passenger Action - Foriegn Signals
General Money - Little by Little
Ambush - No Time for Heros
Eye Alaska - Show Me Daluv
Gidgets Ga Ga - Lullaby
Paranoia Dance Party - Help!Help!Help!Help!
Mojave - California
(MOZ) The Album Leaf - Twenty Two Four <---------CLICK HERE
Matt Wixson - The Guidelines
Big D and the Kids Table - Noise Complaint
Hotspur - Chandelier
Mayday - Crossroads and Avenues
Alesana - Sweetheart, You Are Sadly Mistaken
Sparks the Rescue - Shipwreck
Monday, August 17, 2009
Helping Out The Community
For the first time in it's first year of existence, Uncharted Waves and Chaos Promotions are hosting a benefit concert towards the end of September. This concert will represent our way of reaching out to people on a personal level. Not only will there great live music, but there will also be a ton of free stuff, awesome raffles and door prizes, and hundreds of very interesting people to talk to.
This show will benefit a young man who is in debt with hospitals for major surgery and multiple tests. One year ago he went to the hospital and had major surgery to have his large intestine removed. He did not have health insurance. He went back the beginning of June with terrible pain in his stomach and most of his body. After multiple tests and no answers, he went back home to wait until the next pain attacks came about.
We want to help him out. Help him keep his head high and help pay those bills. There are five great bands/artists that have agreed to come and play this show, and we couldn't be any happier to have these five down. The bands are Beneath A Blackened Sky, Anna Yvette, Piercing Silence, General Money, and Earth Eatz Dog.
This is all just the tip of the iceberg. With these great musicians there will also be events going on all day. Many sponsors will be present at the show with giveaways and special raffles. It will be a great event, and a guaranteed awesome party time. The best part of it all, is that all proceeds are going towards paying off the hospital bills. So anything you get there, will be helping someone out.

More details will be released within the next two weeks. I wouldn't want to spoil all the surprises be sure to stay tuned for the details that are released and then come down to the show.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Score, We're On 24
Today was awesome. Going dolo today, I was joined by General Money and Tod Angel. We hung out in the studio, had an interview, freestyles and shot the breeze. Tons of new music, this semester is going to be fun. Listen to the new intro!
Stream/Download <---------- HERE
Tragic Orange - Pure and Simple
Bulletproof Messenger - The Truth
Natas Loves You - Finished Line
Gavin Mikhail - Fight the Sky
Breathe Carolina - Hello Facination
Gidgets Ga Ga - Belmont
Bless the Fall - To Hell and Back
Gabriel the Marine - Maybe Baby
Beneath a Blackened Sky - Redemption
Leaving Richmond - heatBOX500
Negative Neutron - Proxy (Moment of Zen click to listen!)
General Money Interview (download here!)
General Money - Crank Up Your Systems
General Money - Little By Little
General Money - Get That Gwop (LIVE)
General Money - I Do It 4 U
Sister Sin - On Parole
Check Out General Money
TUNE in next week for more fun and your alternative indie mix, right here on UW!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Attention! General Money Is In

What all started off as a child looking for answers and acceptance, grew into a tremendous movement of emotions flowing lyrically from General Money. Hailing from New Hampshire, G-Money spits some of the freshest tracks out right now.
General Money started rapping at a young age, and he's not planning on stopping any time soon. "It's been a long road" he was telling me on the phone, "but all this hard work, working little by little, really pays off in the end". This has been nothing but true for the General. When he first made it into the studio to record his first mixtape in 2007, Money Call Mixtape Vol 1, tens of thousands of people flocked to download it for free. This mixtape was so successfull and popular that General Money had to get into gear to work on a full length studio recorded album. His time behind the mic was well spent, and the U.N. was concieved. At this point, General Money was collaborating with other hip-hop artists of his calibur. The U.N. features Mo Deezey and Will Kindler.
General Money hit the ground running after the U.N. dropped. It was time to go even bigger, and General Money knew that he needed to take more steps to continue getting recognized, so Crank Records hit the internet. After the first week of launching his website,, buzz was happening and traffic flooded in from all around. It didn't stop there. By using websites like Twitter, Myspace, General Money started to become an internet sensation.
All of this and he still doesn't stop. It's all about moving forward and getting done what needs to get for General Money. He and his bassist, Tod Angel, play live shows that often get sold out. He takes time to go to radio stations for interviews and meet and talk to the people that are rocking out to his beats.
What's General Money doing now? Currently he's back in the studio working on the next album. He had also taken the time out to come and show love to NY. General Money came onto the show for an interview, freestyle, and to just hang out. He is an indie artist making all the right moves with the right attitude to further progress his musical career and spread his music to the world.
To hear the interview click HERE.
He represents, and we respect that.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Awesome Song, Awesome Band

With all the music submissions we get, my Ipod is a fun little toy that is ever changing tunes. Occasionally there will be a song that I didn't get to really listen to in detail before it made it to the Ipod. One of those songs that just blew me away was 'Maybe Baby' by Gabriel the Marine.
Gabriel the Marine is a five piece indie rock band, hailing from right here on Long Island NY. You might have heard them before. They have been broadcasted as a feature on 92.3 Krock (RIP

The song 'Maybe Baby' rings so true; It is eerie, depressing, inspiring, and hopeful. The emotions that were brought forth were so moving, I had to play the song multiple times to sort them all out. They have a sound like none I've been fed before. The lyrics are capitivating and Michael's voice does the perfect job of capturing the emotion behind them.
The boys (Michael Desmond (Guitar, Vocals), Dylan Ebrahimian (Piano, Violin, Vocals), Robbie Hassett (Bass), Dominick D'Agostino (Guitar), and Tommy Davis (Drums)) are on tour right now with Asteria and A Love Like Pi through August and then will back in NY for a couple of shows.
With all the bands out there it's hard to find the ones you really enjoy. Gabriel the Marine it one to along with Coldplay, Dave Matthews and O.A.R.
Check them out, and try to catch them live!
Monday, July 27, 2009
To Izzy
This is the email lead singer Soda sent out to all HMR family, friends and fans.
This past Wednesday I got the sad news that my friend and former bandmate Izzy had finally lost his long battle with brain cancer. Although this wasn't a shock the news was still very sad...Izzy was with me when I first started HMR back in 2003 and he played our very first show with me. We connected right away, he was a great guitar player and a very fast learner...and it's very sad that another very talented young man who was involved with HMR has been taken long before his time.
At Izzy's service this past Friday I had asked his family if I could honor him on our sites and send out an email in tribute to his memory and they were happy to know that I wanted to do this...and I know that some of you have been on this list since day one and were probably at that very first HMR show. And as always, this band has shared every intimate detail with everyone who has ever cared...
Izzy was one of the most harmless people I had ever met in my life. He loved music and toys and always seemed to be in a good mood. I had last seen him in March/April and if you didn't know that he was terminally'd have thought that he was a happy, healthy, well adjusted guy. my friend Izzy. I will miss you, and my heart goes out to your family and all of your friends.
Izzy will be honored on all of our websites as well. So stop by and send him some love long distance.

RIP Izzy. You will be greatly missed.
Stop by these sites to send regards like Soda said, or leave a comment here.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Taking Concert Photography
First off, you don't need a sick nasty SLR. I had been using a Canon Powershot SD1100, a point and click for most people. If you understand the connection between aperture, ISO, and shutter speed, you'll take awesome pictures. I'll talk more about these cameras in a minute though.
Don't be shy. Step up to the stage, make your way up there through the crowd. If you can get right next to the talent, you will have great angles and you'll be able to play with light a little more. Take a few pictures with flash on, you'll be able to capture a lot of expression and movement. Just keep in mind, if you want to capture more atmosphere in your photos, flash will kill all the lights in the room.
So take pictures with your flash off. If you are using a SLR with an extended flash on it, turn it away from the stage. This is where your ISOs and aperture matter the most. If you can capture pictures when the light is right, you can keep things pretty normal, ISO 400-800,

You will need to play with it. Practice at home in low lit areas and just take pictures on different settings. Just remember the exposure triangle.
If you don't have any equipment and you are interested in shopping around, I suggest these four cameras to start with looking. They are all under $600, just take a look at the used prices. These are all excellent cameras.
Monday, July 13, 2009
22 And Beyond!
STREAM/DOWNLOAD <------------here
Elmoncho the Man From - Living in the Sun
Millionaires - Martinis and Mixed Feelings
Between the Doors - Self
Dlugokecki - Too Many Borders
Roster McCabe - Spark a Light
The Pink Spiders - Seventeen Candles
The Dresden Dolls - Coin Operated Boy
Passenger Action - Night Frisbee (Moment of Zen LISTEN)
MAE - Just Let Go
Alserene - Stay With Me
XELA - Devils and Demons
Code Anchor - Lonely Savior
The Jakes - Cough Syrup
United by Unicorns - Dear November
Dancing After Hours - Dancing After Hours
Tons of new music just came in, tune in with us next Friday and lets rock out!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Finally 21! Another Pint Please!
The Foxes - Trauma Town
Sexy Heroes - About a Girl
The Sleeping - You'll Be a Corpse Before your time
Dizzy Balloon - Crazy Jane
MAE - The Cure
Nick Shatarah - Girl I used to know
Settings - Creatures
The Vanity Affair - Party Girl
Crystal Kid - In A Little While

((Moment of Zen)) Leaving Richmond - What Were We Waiting For
Iridesense - Don't Say Hi iridesense
Sent By Ravens - The Hungry King
Looking Glass Wars - Oh What A Party it will Be
Madison Project - Rockit
Racing Kites - Oceans
Swill Merchants - Moves of the Bishop
Friends For Hire - Danger Us
Vegas temper - Shotgun
Code Anchor - Lay Low
Tune In Next Week for more great music and entertainment!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Metal Haven
This past weekend I went to check out the scene over there,

The band that really blew me away was Turrigenous. I've been meaning to catch a show of theirs for a while, and when I saw they were playing at Beery's I knew I had to be there. If you've ever listened to Turrigenous, you know how intense their sound is. They bring that intesity fully to the stage. I've never seen a band more technically awesome than these guys. One word to discribe this metal would be....epic. Check them out, they make New York and LI proud!
So I'll be back again to Beery's really soon, I hope to see you there!
Friday, June 19, 2009
20, High Five!

A Day to Remember - Another Song About the Weekend
Just Surrender - Hit and Run
Alesana - Endings without Stories
Vision Through Sound - Snake Befriends Hamster
Cloud 9 - Longer Days
Black Water Rising - Something's Wrong
Waiting for a Miracle - Don't Say I Do
Article 19 - Gone Away
Select Start - Kiss Your Genre Goodbye
Turrigenous - A Slight Amplification
Boards of Canada - Left Side Drive (MOMENT of ZEN)
Erocktica -Skin to Win
CLIP - The Divide
Amanda Baker - Chaser of Sin
Monk - Rome will Burn
Eye Alaska - Stop Me Now, I'm Not Ready
Borgo Pass - The Dogs Know Better
Artist Vs Poet - Infallible Remedy
Inhuman - Bitter & Jaded
Next week, join UW and Cloud 9!!
Monday, June 15, 2009
105 Riv was the place to be on Saturday night. It was Anna Yvette & the Ohms' CD release party! It was such a good time, there were a lot of really great people there, all to congratulate and celebrate with Anna.
I felt very VIP walking into this joint. There was a door man letting people through a velvet rope, it was like walking into a place where everyone would know you. And it was a little like that. Everyone there was so nice. People were enjoying the open bar, talking and taking pictures; there was a lot going on in this cozy setting.
Anna, Louis (bass) and Vinny (drums) played a full set for everyone there. It was such an intimate setting, Louis was playing off of the stripper pole above everyone's heads and people sat all around the performance set up. It was a great show, they really know how to have a great time on stage. It's always awesome to see bands really get into their music, it brings out so much more of the emotion they are portraying through the sound as well as the visual.
It was a lot of fun, enjoy the pictures I took and check out their website to hear more about Anna Yvette and the Ohms!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Already Digital! 19!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
NJ Brings the Fire
The lineup was Her Chance To Dream, Heart of a Lion, Stray from the Path, Knife the Glitter, The Number 12 Looks Like You, and the Dillinger Escape Plan. I missed the first set with Her Chance to Dream, but the had demo cds! I popped it into my car's cd player and I really liked what I heard. These kids have a really good idea of how to play epic tracks. There's this one track called Killer Klowns that has a very eerie break down, and it really threw me back.
The other bands were pretty tight, but only Knife the Glitter and Dillinger stood out to me. Knife the Glitter is a three piece instrumental band, that is the weirdest band ever. It is important to have a stage presence, these guys just made it really weird. The bassist would constantly be on his tippy toes running around in a little circle, shaking his head more and more violently as the songs went on, throwing his hair out of it's little bun, getting very messy...all this every song.
His facial expressions were so weird too... check them out. The recorded stuff I think is better than live. I can't really say their music won me over, but I will never forget these guys.
Dillinger. Wow. After taking 30 minutes, if not more, to set up their set, Dillinger came out hard. I've seen youtube videos of the lead singer Greg Puciato walking out on the tops of people's heads within ten seconds of the show starting (Watch Video for this performance). It was great though. You could hear everything, they looked and sounded so professional. People were getting very riled up during their set, at least one fight had to be broken up by the bouncers, which usually means one person thought the other was getting too crazy. Hey folks, it's a hardcore metal show. You get run into and the such.
So I am super happy I got the chance to see such a legendary band such as Dillinger. I wish i had the chance to interview them, maybe one day soon UW will be be presented with such a chance.
Till next show!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
A Tee for You

Check out The Appleseed Cast <-----here
Buy this shirt <-----here
Friday, June 5, 2009
It's ok sir, I'm 18!
Moving right along today we brought you some awesome new music from bands we found across Myspace, Twitter, and a lot of other "venues". We also had the chance to speak with Rob Brill, the bassist of From Bliss to Devastation, as he gets ready with his band to release their first full length album!
Everybody Else - Makeup
The Blackout - Save Our Selves
Craving Strange - It's Life
The Birthday Massacre - Falling Down
The Downtown Fiction - Living Proof
Mock Orange - Song in D
Code Anchor - A Little Stronger
Michael Fights the Dragon - Get to the Chopper
Mastodon - Oblivion
Alaska and Me - Electric Cowboy
Deciding Tonight - Secrets Crack Ribs
The Octopus Project - Music is Happiness ((MOMENT OF ZEN))
Of The Pillar - If Your Eyes Were The Sun
Swimming in Speakers - In Knowing
Lion Of Ido - Lie to Me
Vegas Temper - Kiss It All Goodbye
Next week join UW and ANNA YVETTE live in the studio!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
T-Shirt of the Week
Get your pre order HERE

Friday, May 29, 2009
Almost Legal....17

The duo is back! Jess has returned and Uncharted Waves has been made complete again! We had a really fun show today, Piercing Silence was in the studio with us from the top of the first hour, and released information that has not been released anywhere else right here on the show!! Listen to the interview to find out what it was!
DOWNLOAD and STREAM full show <----here
Gabriel the Marine – Maybe Baby
We Are They – pMp
Cloud 9 – Keep Keepin’ on
Seven Stories Tall – Systems
The Dillinger Escape Plan – Milk Lizard
Burning the Memory – Hand in the Sky
Crash Boom Bang – Devil in disguise
Circa Survive – In Fear and Faith
Silverstein – Smile in your Sleep
Piercing Silence- Aftermath
Piercing Silence Interview (Click to Listen)
Piercing Silence - Time Is an Illusion
Trading Voices – One Down
From Bliss To Devastation – Everyman has His Devil
Mock Orange – Song in D
Diamonds Under Fire – Limbo
Merchants Concourse – Eye of the Storm
Ten and Six – Mercury Lullaby
Clouds and Cities – Stories
Tune in next week for more new music and the infamous From Bliss To Devastation will be on the air!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Zombie Tee!

Straight from the capital of Massachusetts is where the zombie invasion will start, I am sure of it. And to prove it are Keep Me Conscious' t-shirts. There is a lot going on in this shirt, but the title is "Scarecrow". It is awesome how the scarecrow is neglecting his duties and is a total badass zombie hanging out with the crow. What a rebel sheesh. The art work is awesome on this shirt, it will be turning heads all over the place.
CLICK HERE to buy this shirt!
CLICK HERE to see the band's Myspace!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Rising 16

Listen/Download the the show HERE
The Maine - Into Your Arms
Hotspur - Chandelier
Cast In Shadows - Find My Way
The Foxes - Bill Hicks
Q - Afraid of Americans
Kids of Survival - The "You" in Us is Silent
Anna Yvette - Jack & Ginger
Aaron Zimmer - Therapy
Vision Through Sound - Now, That doesn't Make Sense
Tenstrong - I Defy

Blindplace - Fest (MOMENT OF ZEN listen)
The Clarity - All Dressed Up
Stealing Jane - Outside
The Holy Ghost Circut - Daughters of Denang
The Separation - Blue Light (TEE SHIRT OF THE WEEK)
Zydepunks - Por La Orilla Del Mar
The Sleeping - You'll Be a Corpse Before Your Time
Lily White - When Purpose Calls
Tee shirt of this week!

Well it's not too late to let those bright spring colors shine! We can pretend that the temperatures are luke warm and gorgeous. So we turn to this shirt to give us hope that unicorns do exist and that they bring pleasantly bright colors with them.
This shirt is brought to you by The Seperation. Buy the shirt right there off their myspace account, $15 paypal needed. Just follow the link!
Unicorns would pwn in real life.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Well now you can check out the music video right on the Myspace Music video homepage! That's right, Hotspur is being featured on Myspace for having such an awesome video. And you can check it out right here!
These guys are awesome live, they really know how to get a crowd pumped. They have many shows coming up all over the east coast, but for New York it's Jun 1 @ Vibe Lounge in Rockville Centre, and then June 4 @ The Knitting Factory in the city. They will be touring with The Scenic so if you are around those day, come on out!
Keep your eyes out for their CD release of their newest album "You Should Know Better By Now" being let out of it's cage June 23.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Show 15 On The 15th Of May..... Coincidense I Think So
If you missed today's show download or stream it HERE.
The Jakes - Cough Syrup
Explosions In The Sky - Birth and Death of the Day
The Illiance - Strong Island
The Illiance - Everything She Wore
Thursday, May 14, 2009
T - Shirt of the Week

Check it out as all the other band merch HERE.
Listen to The Dresden Dolls HERE.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Fourteen Super Keen!
Listen to this week's show Stream/Download HERE

T - Shirt Of The Week

Buy it HERE.
Listen to their music HERE.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
A Saturday To Remember
I got the call from our friends in Piercing Silence on Saturday afternoon to come out that night to the Zebra Lounge in Copiague for an awesome show that they were part of. I couldn't let the opportunity pass, and made my way out east for the night.
It was a night full of rock. You had Abigail Roots, Piercing Silence, Undetermined, Atomic Fury, and Erocktica in the lineup. It was a pretty decent crowd, many different ages in there. The bar was pretty big, they had two tenders on it the whole night. I didn't see anything about drink specials, but there were shot girls there introducing a new tequila, Lunazul. Everybody was having a good time, enjoying drinks and the live music. The Zebra Lounge has live music every Friday and Saturday, and is always a 21+ establishment.
The set up for the bands was pretty simple. The stage was pretty deep, plenty of room for the musicians to move around. The sound system was ok, it seemed as though all the amps were plugged into two main monitors, and all the levels were controlled out of them. There were some slip ups when it came to the audio quality, but nothing major enough to really stand out.
It was the music that was the best. Piercing Silence played a few new songs as well as older ones. The progression of their music is moving and powerful. They have yet to find a lead singer, but in my opinion they don't need one. The way their songs unfold allows the listener to dwell in emotions. Very talented musicians, check them out.
The headlining band was Erocktica. I had heard about them, about how their live shows can get very wild. This was very true. The pictures that I posted up from the show are only half of them. The other half is meant for mature audiences ONLY. The show they put on can be compared to a Kiss concert. It is interactive, meant to be an eye opener, full of props and meant to rile up the audience. They had one dancer at this show, but they have 9 in total. They were so much fun, and if you have an open mind about sex, definitely check them out.
May 15th, Mondo Porno at Arlene's Grocery (95 Stanton NYC). Erocktica's DVD release party, you want to be there. Come in a devil or angle costume for five dollars off cover price, making it $10. BE THERE!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Show 13! Teenagers!
Stream and Download Todays Show HERE
Alaska and me - The Electric Cowboy
The Morning Of- Let Your Spirit Soar
Clarity - Capsize
Elmoncho the Man From - Living in the Sun
Looking Glass Wars - Oh What a Party it Will Be
Black Anvil - Ten Talons Deep
Show Me Action - If the Continents Can Drift
Callahan - This Ones For the History Books
Select Start - A Playist Killed the Mixtape
Burning Tree Project - Youplusme
Petrel - Show me
Petrel Live in Studio INTERVIEW
Acoustic Set - All Right
Big D and the Kids Table - Strictly Rude
PM Today - To Sleep Per Chance To Dream
Carl Hauck - Words of the Wise
Kids of Survival - My Addiction
Millionaires - Martinis and Mixed Feelings
Come around again next week for another great show of Uncharted Waves!
PS: We are up for a Mac Award, for best show! Wish us luck!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
T - Shirt of the week

This tee is brought to you by Between the Buried and Me, a hardcore metal band from North Carolina. Now, we are not quite sure what is being depicted, but the t-shirt really stood out. It looks like some sort of under water scene that includes a skull from some animal, devils, horses, some people and a mermaid. Yea, it's like that. None the less, this shirt is killer. There are rays of colors shooting throughout the background. The band's name looks like it was written with fresh ink.
Guaranteed head turner for only $13. Get it HERE.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Push Play Doing All the Right Stuff

You should go and check out Long Island's very own Push Play. At the Kazoozle stage. At 1:30 in the afternoon, Saturday. And then again on Sunday, at 5:10. They will also be playing the HoodWink Festival, performing the music of MUSE. This is a band that has been working their way to the top, headlining tours, signing with Jason Morey (Miley Cirus's manager), being in print publications such as Newsday, the New York Times, Popstar, M*Teen...just to name a few. They have what it takes to really break out on the main scene.
They are also a charitable band. As part of their continuing Push Play for Purpose effort, they have made tens of thousands of dollars in donations to charitable organizations. The members of Push Play spend time giving out sweatshirts to the homeless in Manhattan. They are just good kids rocking out.
Here's their website
Check them out!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Crazines at the Donkey

This past Thursday Silverstein's tour hit New York at the Crazy Donkey, and it was wild. The place had so many people in it that my body temperature raised 10 degrees when we stepped in. The lineup included Norma Jean, Bless The Fall, Before Their Eyes and of course Silverstein.
This show proved that the hardcore scene is not dead, and it is actually thriving right here on LI. It was by far the most people I have seen in the Donkey since Adler's Appetite. Everybody was moving and the mosh pit took up almost the entire center floor. It was crazy watching bodies flying into the air and fists pumping with every beat, you could really feel the energy of the bands music filling into the crowd. When Silverstein played there new single "Vices" the whole floor moved in completely unpredictable patterns, everybody was just running around and getting absolutely wild!
This is still pretty early in Silverstein's tour, but from Shane's lips to the fan's ears, it was one of the most energetic shows so far. The quality of the music was amazing, you could really pick out each instrument if you listened close enough. And the light show was really impressive too, I have never seen them look so good at the Donkey, and we've seen quite a few shows there. Just goes to show that the more money the ticket is, the more professional the shows get. Usually they are pretty good, but almost monotonous at times, but these lights always felt fresh.

For upcoming dates on Silverstein's "Shipwreck in the Sand" tour go HERE. This is an huge tour, so check out if they are coming to your town, this is a show you don't want to miss.
Thank YOU Long Island for keeping the scene alive! Keep coming out!
Power Outage

The power at the station blows out 30 min into Jess's first show that she is doing solo. Everything was going fine and dandy....until she's sitting there in the dark studio running on back up power that runs out in like 2 min.
Da F*@K?! Maybe it's time to have solar power so we never run out. Ahhhhhh now that's a good way to go green eh?
Anyways, we want to thank PIERCING SILENCE for coming out today. These guys are awesome, and we will have them on the show on a future date.
So we'll be back next week, and joining us in the studios is Petrel!!!