First up at the Donkey was Beyond All Eyes, followed by Set in Color. The Mercurial came up next and it was a lacking performance. However, being that the Mercurial has a large dedicated following, the show was still exciting. Chris and the rest of the band put on an awesome performance. Tonight was their last show together as we know them, and they went out with a bang! When they invited all of their fans to join them on stage for their last song, everyone took advantage of the opportunity, the stage was packed!
It was an all age show, but after the Mercurial got off stage only about 20 people

It was a good night, can't wait to see where the players of the Mercurial end up, but we will be sure to follow them.
The last picture shown is symbolic of The Mercurial's farewell. Lead singer Chris Sanchez exchanging his microphone for a camera...the lime light for the memories. You will be missed.
The Pink Spiders always give an epic performance - the more shots they do, the more antics ensue. It can get quite nutty and they are musically excellent. See them whenever you can.